Doberman Fields’ Jewel CGC CGCA TKN ATTS



CHIC Number 133701

Whelped 09/18/2015 in our Whelping Box

HEIGHT at Withers: 25" (10/2016 AGE 1 YEAR OLD) (Standard)

WEIGHT: 73 pounds (Verified 01/2017 - PBAH)                                  

AKC DNA # V793536, CHIC DNA # DP-DNA-816/S


Sire: #WS33412710 Superior Dobermans Man of War "Max"

Dam: #WS43624801 Superior Dobermans Nala

Jewel was born on September 18th, 2015, in our very own whelping box.  While breeding under and for our former associates, this litter was our long awaited culmination of two of our favorite Dobermans and a dream come true.

  We are pleased to have such a large part of bringing our Jewel into this world.  With her litter mate Sapphire, she quickly learned love, family life, pack rules and bonded not only to Nala but to ALL the humans in her world.  We have watched her from birth to present grow and develop into a proud ambassador for our breed AND our breeding.  She was a major inspiration for our family to break free from our business associate and began our own path towards responsible breeding; encompassing and preserving ALL aspects of our breed; health, temperament, and conformation.

Jewel began professional training at Suzannes Dog Training in the Winter of 2016.  Typical of a well-bred Doberman, she is smart, extreme agility, eager to please and fast to learn.  She and Jim are already excelling, and showing off what she has picked up from the others that began training last fall!! Jewel, handled by Jim, took AND passed her ATTS Temperament Test on July 9th, 2017!! 

Health Testing and Results for Jewel

Test/OFA Certificates ONCE  per Lifetime:

  • DCM - DNA Test for Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Heart)- OFA CERT-CLEAR

  • DCM2 - DNA Test For Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Heart) - OFA CERT CLEAR

  • DM- DNA Test for Degenerative Myelopathy (Spine) - OFA CERT-CLEAR

  • vWD-  Von Willebrand's Disease (Bleeding Disorder)-OFA CERT-CARRIER

  • LOCUS D - Coat (Dilute Blue & Fawn)-OFA CERT CLEAR (DD)

  • LOCUS B - Coat (Red/Brown) - Carrier, One copy of Red Gene (NO CERT AVAIL)

  • DENTITION - Dental (Teeth & Eruption)-OFA CERT-FULL DENTITION

  • HIP -Hip Evaluation and Grade -OFA CERT EXCELLENT

  • ELBOW- Elbow Evaluation and Grade OFA CERT NORMAL

  • OFA BAER Congenital Deafness - OFA CERT HEARING NORMAL

  • RD -Canine Renal Dysplasia DOGenes - At Risk

  • DINGs Vestibular Deafness OFA Cert - NORMAL

Test/OFA Certificates YEARLY:

  • EYE-  Eye Exam and Screening - OFA CERT NORMAL, EXP 11/18/2017, OFA Cert Normal Exp 03/15/2019, OFA CERT NORMAL 03/31/19

  • CARDIO PRACTITIONER Congenital Cardiac Exam - OFA CERT NORMAL. EXP 01/26/2018

  • CARDIO ECHO - Echocardiographic Exam - OFA CERT Normal 3/4/18, OFA CERT - NORMAL 03/31/19

  • CARDIO HOLTER -  24 Hour Holter Monitor Record & Interpret - OFA CERT Normal