U-CH, U-WP Devenshires Let Freedom Ring CGC TKN ATTS WAC LD-11
UKC #P739-609
CHIC Number 135320
Whelped 07/02/2011, Acquired 06/11/2016. DOD 08/15/2022
HEIGHT at Withers: 27-1/4" Standards
WEIGHT: 82.8 pounds (Verified 08/2017 - PBAH)
AKC DNA# V811874, CHIC DNA # DP-DNA-889/S
Sire: RUS CH ACK#WS35633901 Eria Pro Grandmaster Flash,
Dam: ACK#WS31111610 Devenshire's Princess Leai CGC, UD, REA, NTD, CDX
Chaser came to our home on June 11th, 2016. For us, he was a gift of unmeasurable love, trust and belief in our love for this breed AND our goals for its future. He was sent here by friends and breeders that watched us enter this endeavor in 2013 and guided, mentored and supported us in our quest to learn, grow, and improve OUR knowledge and goals for our OWN breeding program, our pack, and the future of our litters and all Dobermans. He was also sent, at the bittersweet combination of loss and joy, by his Ohio mom to help heal and recover from the recent loss of our own Nala. Chaser adjusted to his new family and home AND provided us with the renewed focus and drive to continue our quest despite our pain, and gave us a jump start in our future with such an incredible stud and family dog!! We and his Ohio mom shared official AKC ownership, which ensured for all of us that Chaser stayed connected to his roots while he flourished with our love and care. His AKC Registration was changed on September 22, 2016 to reflect the new co-ownership as well as to correct the previous owner's mistake on his name.
Chaser's previous owners saw the promise in their awesome new puppy, and enrolled him in training in May of 2012. Chaser, with handler Whitney, went on to earn his UKC Show Champion (CH) and UKC United Weight Puller (UWP) on May 2, 2014!! Chaser also completed Basic Obedience & Manners Class as well as Better than Basics with Top Notch Dog School. While Chaser needed no basic obedience and manners classes, we are new to the AKC training and showing part of this Doberman world!! Beginning this experience with such a smart, loving, able, and patient Chaser helped make the transition into this world a little easier, and better for the WHOLE family, human and canine alike!! Chaser earned his AKC CGC on January 28, 2017 with Missy as his 'Handler" at Suzannes Dog Training. Chaser took, and passed, his ATTS Temperament Test on July 9th, 2017 also!! Chaser, handled by Missy, earned his WAC on 11/24/2018 at the Metro Baltimore DPC!!
Health Testing and Results for Chaser
Test/OFA Certificates ONCE per Lifetime:
DCM - DNA Test for Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Heart)- OFA CERT-NORMAL
DCM2 - DNA Test For Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Heart) - OFA CERT NORMAL
DM- DNA Test for Degenerative Myelopathy (Spine) - OFA CERT-CLEAR
vWD- Von Willebrand's Disease (Bleeding Disorder)-OFA CERT-CLEAR
LOCUS D - Coat (Dilute Blue & Fawn)-OFA CERT-CARRIER (Dd)
LOCUS B - Coat (Red/Brown) - Carrier, One copy of Red Gene (NO CERT AVAIL)
DENTITION - Dental (Teeth & Eruption)- OFA Two Missing Molars
HIP -Hip Evaluation and Grade - GOOD
RD -Canine Renal Dysplasia DOGenes, Inc - At Risk
DINGs Vestibular Deafness - OFA CERT - NORMAL/CLEAR
Test/OFA Certificates YEARLY:
EYE- Eye Exam and Screening- OFA CERT- EXP 11/18/2017 , OFA Cert NORMAL,Exp. 3/16/2019, OFA CERT NORMAL - Expires 03/31/2020, OFA CERT PENDING- NORMAL Expires 05/2022
CARDIO PRACTITIONER Congenital Cardiac Exam-
OFA CERT, NORMAL EXP 08/01/2018, OFA CERT, NORMAL, EXP 08/30/2019
CARDIO ECHO - Echocardiographic Exam -
OFA CERT, CLEAR/NORMAL, EXP 01/10/2018, OFA CERT CLEAR/NORMAL Expires 03/04/2019, OFA CERT CLEAR/NORMAL - (See Advanced Cardio) Passed 03/31/2019
Holter Monitor NORMAL OFA/WEB PAGE-CLEARANCE, Holter Monitor NORMAL 09/2018
THYROID - Thyroid Eval, incl. T4 & cTSH,
OFA Cert NORMAL 02/2017
Equivocal - 04/30/2019
OFA Cert Pending - NORMAL 05/2021